
Command-Line Arguments

NiBetaSeries BIDS arguments

usage: nibs [-h] [-v] [-sm SMOOTHING_KERNEL] [-lp LOW_PASS] [-hp HIGH_PASS]
            [-c CONFOUNDS [CONFOUNDS ...]] [-w WORK_DIR]
            [--participant_label PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]]
            [--session_label SESSION_LABEL] [-t TASK_LABEL]
            [--run_label RUN_LABEL] [-sp {MNI152NLin2009cAsym}]
            [--variant_label VARIANT_LABEL] [--exclude_variant_label]
            [--hrf_model {glover,spm,fir,glover + derivative,glover + derivative + dispersion,spm + derivativespm + derivative + dispersion}]
            [-a ATLAS_IMG] -l ATLAS_LUT [--graph]
            bids_dir derivatives_pipeline output_dir {participant,group}

Positional Arguments

bids_dir The directory with the input dataset formatted according to the BIDS standard.
 The pipeline that contains minimally preprocessed img, brainmask, and confounds.tsv
output_dir The directory where the output directory and files should be stored. If you are running group level analysis this folder should be prepopulated with the results of theparticipant level analysis.

Possible choices: participant, group

Level of the analysis that will be performed Multiple participant level analyses can be run independently (in parallel) using the same output_dir

Named Arguments

-v, --version show program’s version number and exit
 The label(s) of the participant(s) that should be analyzed. The label corresponds to sub-<participant_label> from the BIDS spec (so it does not include “sub-“). If this parameter is not provided all subjects should be analyzed. Multiple participants can be specified with a space separated list.

Options for preprocessing

-sm, --smoothing_kernel
 select a smoothing kernel (mm)
-lp, --low_pass
 low pass filter
-hp, --high_pass
 high pass filter
-c, --confounds
 The confound column names that are to be included in nuisance regression. write the confounds you wish to include separated by a space
-w, --work_dir directory where temporary files are stored

Options for selecting images

 select a session to analyze
-t, --task_label
 select a specific task to be processed
--run_label select a run to analyze
-sp, --space_label

Possible choices: MNI152NLin2009cAsym

select a bold derivative in a specific space to be used

 select a variant bold to process
 exclude the variant from FMRIPREP

Options for processing beta_series


Possible choices: glover, spm, fir, glover + derivative, glover + derivative + dispersion, spm + derivativespm + derivative + dispersion

convolve your regressors with one of the following hemodynamic response functions

-a, --atlas-img
 input atlas nifti
-l, --atlas-lut
 atlas look up table (tsv) formatted with the columns: index, region

misc options

--graph generates a graph png of the workflow