
Participant Workflow


(Source code, png, svg, pdf)

The general workflow for a participant models the betaseries for each trial type for each BOLD file associated with the participant. Then betas within an atlas parcel are averaged together. This occurs as many times as there are trials for that particular trial type, resulting in a psuedo-time series (i.e., each point in “time” represents an occurrence of that trial). All the psuedo-time series within a trial type are correlated with each other, resulting in a final correlation (adjacency) matrix for each trial type.

BetaSeries Workflow


(Source code, png, svg, pdf)

The BOLD file is optionally temporally filtered (low-pass) and smoothed by nilearn before being passed into nistats for modeling using the “least squares separate” (LSS) procedure.

Correlation Workflow


(Source code, png, svg, pdf)

The betaseries file has signal averaged across trials within a parcel defined by an atlas parcellation. After signal extraction has occurred for all parcels, the signals are all correlated with each other to generate a correlation matrix.