

Betaseries track the trial-to-trial modelled hemodynamic fluctuations that occur within task functional magnetic resonance imaging (task fMRI). This fills an important analytical gap between measuring hemodynamic fluctuations in resting state fMRI and measuring regional activations via cognitive subtraction in task fMRI.

Relationship to Resting State

Betaseries is similar to resting state because the same analytical strategies applied to resting state data can obstensibly be applied to betaseries. At the core of both resting state and betaseries we are working with a list of numbers at each voxel. We can correlate, estimate regional homogeniety, perform independent components analysis, or conduct a number of different analyses with these voxels. However, betaseries deviates from resting state in two important ways. First, you can do cognitive subtraction using betaseries. Second, interpretation of the lists of numbers are different for resting state and betaseries. Resting state measures the unmodelled hemodynamic fluctuations that occur without explicit stimuli. Betaseries, on the other hand, measures the modelled hemodynamic fluctuations that occur in response to an explicit stimulus. Both resting state and betaseries may measure intrinsic connectivity, but betaseries may also measure the task evoked connectivity (e.g. connectivity between regions that is increased during some cognitive process).

Relationship to Traditional Task Analysis

Betaseries is also similar to traditional task analysis because cognitive subtraction can be used in both. As with resting state, betaseries deviates from traditional task analysis in several important ways. Say we are interested in observing how the brain responds to faces versus houses. The experimenter has a timestamp of exactly when and how long a face or house is presented. That timestamp information is typically convolved with a hemodynamic response function (HRF) to represent how the brain stereotypically responds to any stimulus resulting in a model of how we expect the brain to respond to places and/or faces. This is where traditional task analysis and betaseries diverge. In traditional task analysis all the face trials are estimated at once, giving one summary measure for how strongly each voxel was activated (same for house trials). The experimenter can subtract the summary measure of faces from houses to see which voxels are more responsive to houses relative to faces (i.e. cognitive subtraction). In betaseries each trial is estimated separately each voxel has as many estimates at there are trials (which can be labelled as either face or house trials). The experimenter can now reduce the series of estimates (a betaseries) for each voxel into a summary measure such as a correlation with region(s) of interest. The correlation map for faces can be subtracted from houses, giving voxels that are more correlated with the region of interest for houses relative to faces. Whereas traditional task analysis treats the variance of brain responses between trials of the same type (e.g. face or house) as noise, betaseries leverages this variance to make conclusions about which brain regions may communicate with each other during a particular trial type (e.g. faces or houses).


Betaseries is not in opposition to resting state or traditional task analysis, the methods are complementary. For example, network parcelations derived from resting state data can be used on betaseries data to ascertain if the networks observed in resting state follow a similar pattern with betaseries. Additionally, regions determined from traditional task analysis can be used as regions of interest for betaseries analysis. Betaseries straddles the line between traditional task analysis and resting state, observing task data through a network lens.

Conceptual Background

Jesse Rissman [Rissman2004] was the first to publish on betaseries correlations describing their usage in the context of a working memory task. In this task, participants saw a cue, a delay, and a probe, all occurring close in time. A cue was presented for one second, a delay occurred for seven seconds, and a probe was presented for one second. Given the HRF takes approximately six seconds to reach its peak, and generally takes over 20 seconds to completely resolve, we can begin to see a problem. The events within the trials occur too close to each other to discern what brain responses are related to encoding the cue, the delay, or the probe. To discern how the activated brain regions form networks, Rissman conceptualized betaseries correlations. Instead of having a single regressor to describe all the cue events, a single regressor for all the delay events, and a single regressor for all the probe events (as is done in traditional task analysis), there is an individual regressor for every event in the experiment. For example, if your experiment has 40 trials, each with a cue, delay, and probe event, the model will have a total of 120 regressors, fitting a beta estimate for each trial. Complete this process for each trial of a given event type (e.g. cue), at the end you will have 4D volume where each volume represents the beta estimates for a particular trial, and each voxel represents a specific beta estimate.

Having one regressor per trial in a single model is known as least squares all. This method, however, has limitations in the context of fast event related designs. Since each trial has its own regressor, trials that occur very close in time are colinear (e.g. are very overlapping). Jeanette Mumford et al. [Mumford2012] investigated this issue in the context of image classification. In this article, Mumford introduces another modelling strategy known as least squares separate. In this modelling strategy, instead of having one GLM with a regressor per trial, least squares separate implements a GLM per trial with two regressors: 1) one for the trial of interest, and 2) one for every other trial in the experiment. This process reduces the colinearity of the regressors and creates a more valid estimate of how each regressor fits the data.

Math Background

\[\begin{equation} Y = X\beta + \epsilon \end{equation}\]

The above equation is the General Linear Model (GLM) presented using matrix notation. \(Y\) represents the time-series we are attempting to explain. The \(\beta\) assumes any value that minimizes the squared error between the modeled data and the actual data, \(Y\). Finally, \(\epsilon\) (epsilon) refers to the error that is not captured by the model. Within a GLM, trial-to-trial betas may be averaged for a given trial type and the variance is treated as noise. However, those trial-to-trial fluctuations may also contain important information the typical GLM will ignore/penalize. With a couple modifications to the above equation, we arrive at calculating a betaseries.

\[\begin{equation} Y = X_1\beta_1 + X_2\beta_2 + . . . + X_n\beta_n + \epsilon \end{equation}\]

With the betaseries equation, a beta is estimated for every trial, instead of for each trial type (or whatever logical grouping). This gives us the ability to align all the trial betas from a single trial type into a list (i.e. series). This operation is completed for all voxels, giving us as many lists of betas as there are voxels in the data. Essentially, we are given a 4-D dataset where the fourth dimension represents trial number instead of time (as the fourth dimension is represented in resting state). And analogous to resting state data, we can perform correlations between the voxels to discern which voxels (or which aggregation of voxels) synchronize best with other voxels.

There is one final concept to cover in order to understand how the betas are estimated in NiBetaSeries. You can model individual betas using a couple different strategies; with a least squares all (LSA) approximation which the equation above represents, and a least squares separate (LSS) approximation in which each trial is given it’s own GLM. The advantage of LSS comes from reducing the colinearity between closely spaced trials. In LSA, if trials occurred close in time then it would be difficult to model whether the fluctuations should be attributed to one trial or the other. LSS reduces this ambiguity by only having two regressors: one for the trial of interest and another for every other trial. This reduces the colinearity between regressors and makes each beta estimate more reliable.

for trial, beta in zip(trials, betas):
    data = X[trial] * beta + error

This python psuedocode demonstrates LSS where each trial is given it’s own model.

Relevent Software

BASCO (BetA Series COrrelations) is a matlab program that also performs betaseries correlations

Other Relevant Readings

  • [Cisler2014]
  • [Gottlich2015]
  • [Abdulrahman2016]